English Diary: We Changed Our Plan 20220602 #108

Hello everyone. Thank you for coming back to my channel. My name is Mai, and you are listening to Everyday English Note. This is the English Diary for the 2nd of June 2022.

I was planning to go to Kamakura today with my mum, but we changed the plan because my niece is sick and she will stay at home. My mum which is her grandma didn’t want to leave her alone, so we gave it up.

It was a shame because now it’s the best season for hydrangeas and there are lots of temples which have beautiful hydrangeas. My mum was also looking forward to having raw shirasu, whitebaits. There are a couple of restaurants which are famous for raw whitebaits.

We decided not to go out today. My niece went to see a doctor, and my mum went to her hairdresser. And I am doing some work as usual.

I had some contracts for my writing. I am a freelance writer and I write some articles or short books in Japanese for my clients. I had two contracts whose deadlines were this week and I almost finished them yesterday.

Also, I have to prepare to go back to Canada. I have to fill-up the form as the Canadian government requires. I need to pack my things too. Yesterday, I bought two bottles of Sake for bringing back to Canada. My husband likes Sake too, so we will be able to enjoy them together.

I will take some Japanese snacks with me as well because my husband likes them. My big suitcase is already quite heavy and I have another small suitcase which I’m going to carry on the plane. It’s painful that I have to carry two heavy cases all way to the Narita airport on my own, but it will be easier after loading them on the plane because my husband will come to the Montreal airport to pick me up.

Alright, that’s all for today. Thank you for listening. I will be happy to receive any comments, feedback or questions. And don’t forget to visit my website, everydayenglishnote.com, where you can find the English script of today’s episode.

Thank you again, and have a great day. Until next time, goodbye.


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Mai (旧はな)




姉妹サイト:: 語学マニア.com



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