English Diary: I Am Going Back to Canada This Saturday 20220601 #106

Hello everyone. Thank you for coming back to my channel. My name is Mai, and you are listening to Everyday English Note. This is my English diary for the 1st of June 2022.

I have posted English diaries on another channel for two months, but I moved them to this channel. I am going to talk about my diaries in English on this channel, Everyday English Note.

Normally, I share useful expressions or tips for learning English on this channel. Now I started adding my English diaries. I don’t know if I can update my diary every day, but I’d like to post them as often as possible.

I am still staying in Japan. I live in Canada, but I came back to Japan for the first time in more than two years. I didn’t come back to Japan for that long because it was not easy to enter Japan after the pandemic happened.

I am going to go back to Canada this Saturday so I have a few days left to stay in Japan. But I have to prepare my things, especially things that I want to bring back to Canada. I’ve bought some food and books to take with me, and the weight of my suitcase reaches almost the limit.

If you have listened to my English diary before, you may know it. My husband was in Kenya for business while I have been in Japan. He took a flight and is heading back to Canada now. He will arrive in Montreal on the 1st of June, and I will arrive there on the 4th.

My flight is a direct flight from Tokyo to Montreal airport which is the nearest airport to our house. This will be the first time that I take a direct flight from Tokyo to Montreal. I usually took connecting flight in Vancouver or Toronto, or I took the flight via the USA. The direct flight only takes about 12 hours, and the funny thing is that I will leave Tokyo at 17:30 on the 4th, but I will arrive in Montreal at 16:45 on the same day. It’s because there is a 13-hour time difference between Tokyo and Montreal.

I am kind of excited about the direct flight because I have never had one before. Anyway, it’s Air Canada, so I know I shouldn’t expect too much.

Alright, that’s all for today. I hope you enjoyed this episode. I will be very happy to receive any comments, feedback or questions. And if you like, you can find the English script of today’s episode on my website, everydayenglishnote.com.

Thank you again and I will talk more about what is going on in the next episode. Until then, goodbye!


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Mai (旧はな)




姉妹サイト:: 語学マニア.com



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